All Tracks for taking part in the main choir for Voice in a Million 2023.
Here you can PLAY each track in the Online Player, there are players for Just the Instrumentl, or the Instrumental with guide chorus vocals, or the intrumental with Guide Lead and Chorus vocals. In this player/s you can click the download icon next to each track and download the single track. You can also DOWNLOAD a zippped file for all Tracks and versions, along with all lyyrics and sheet music. Just click the button to download each version
(downloads start automtically; and go to wherever your device stores downloads)
There is also a Player and download for the a song addition to the concert, “You Are My Song”
VIAMTV PLAYER - VIAM2023 Backing Tracks - Instrumental without guide vocals
VIAMTV PLAYER - Additional Song for VIAM2023 - You Are My Song - Guide Vocal