Understanding FASD in the Classroom (Course for Educators)

Understanding FASD in the Classroom (Course for Educators)

About Course


This online course is specifically designed for educators seeking to deepen their understanding of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and develop effective strategies to support students with FASD in the classroom. Through six comprehensive modules, participants will explore the fundamentals of FASD, the challenges associated with the disorder, its impact on the brain, the importance of seeking a diagnosis, reframing their perspective, and practical strategies for fostering success.


Self-paced learning with access to all course materials upon enrolment

Along with Six Modules, the course also Includes:

  • The fascinating documentary – FASD The Hidden Disability
  • A regular live Q & A during the course with Adoptive Mum Jo Garofalo whose daughter has a diagnosis of FASD ASD & ADHD.
  • Certificate of completion for participants who successfully finish the course

Course Suitable for ;
Teachers and educators at all levels (early childhood, primary, secondary)
Special education teachers
School administrators and support staff
School counselors and psychologists
Teacher trainees and professionals in related fields


By completing this online course, educators will gain a comprehensive understanding of FASD and develop practical strategies to support students with the disorder in the educational setting. They will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to create an inclusive, accommodating, and empowering learning environment for students with FASD, thereby enhancing their academic and social outcomes.

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